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So this was my ticket into the House of Commons, after being searched and passing through security with nothing more than a bag full of pens and paper I was ready to exercise my caricaturist ambitions – Drawing Caricatures in the House of Commons!


I was here to draw people and it is all part of the Surviving Winter Appeal which was being launched. I have worked with a great team for Oxfordshire Community Foundation  on promoting Get Batty – Read all about it on their website, basically using table tennis as a way of keeping the elder generations active and socialising. I was in Oxford and here for the launch and obviously was caricaturing people to raise awareness.


I managed to get through a lot of caricatures during the time, it was great to be able to provide some fun whilst the very serious message about Surviving Winter was put forward loud and clear.

Dig the wallpaper!

This is Stephen Hammersley, Chief Executive of Community Foundation Network, just one of many who allowed me to caricature them at this launch.


Please go to Oxfordshire Community Foundation  and read about this campaign – it’s important!